RE-Imagining Britain’s Railway Stations

Sponsor: British Network Rail

Type: open, international, anonymous

Location: U.K.
Languages: English

Eligibility: Architects, planners, etc.

4 August 2020 – End of Q&A period

11 September 2020 – Last date for registration

15 September 2020 – Submission deadline (Phase one)
Judging Panel:

Lucy Musgrave OBE (founding director of Publica)
Jonathan McDowell (director, Matter Architecture)
Chris Wise (senior director, Expedition Engineering)
Dinah Casson CBE (RDI designer)
Victoria Lee (lead programme manager, Design Council)
Paul Beaty-Pownall (managing director, BPR Architects Ltd)
Sahar Fikouhi (founder, ARki)
Anthony Dewar (professional head of buildings and architecture, Network Rail)
Frank Anatole (principal architect, Network Rail)
Ian Grimes (principal engineer, Network Rail).

Phase one of the competition is open and anonymous

Phase two: Winners from Phase one to develop design concept 
(Shortlisted Concept Development – £250,000 fee)

Note: Each Participant invited to submit a Final Tender at the end of Phase 2 and who submits a bona fide Final Tender and provides a clarification interview presentation will receive an honorarium payment of GBP£20,000 (+VAT)

Phase three: Single Supplier Framework Agreement and ‘Developed Design Challenge:
This international design competition is focused on new solutions for small to medium stations across the UK. There are already more than 2,000 of these, ranging from small halts to medium-sized stations.
The competition’s aim is to explore designs for the interface between a 21st century community and the rail system that can be integrated in the wide range of different suburban and rural contexts. It will interrogate the meaning of the term ‘station’ through the design process.
Your solution should explain your underlying philosophy and show how this philosophy can be interpreted to be suitable both for use at any small-medium new build station site and also how it can be used to adapt those sites where there already is an existing smaller station.
We are inviting ideas that explore a response to the changing character of our society as well as addressing the wide variety of existing experiences at UK rail stations. Coronavirus has shaken up our way of life from which, along with the climate and ecological emergency, the recovery process will demand a profound shift in the way we behave in order to provide a secure future for future generations.


To download the competition brief: