Suburbia Transformed 3.0, One Garden at a Time

Exploring the Aesthetics of Landscape Experience in the Age of Sustainability

Sponsor: James Rose Center for Landscape Architectural Research and Design; American Society of Landscape Architects, New Jersey Chapter;  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Location: Ridgewood, New Jersey

Languages: English

Type: Open, international, ideas

Eligiblity: Open to all, including landscape architects, landscape designers, architects, individuals, teams or firms, and students of design whose work will be judged in a separate category.

Registration Deadline: 18 February 2014

Submission Deadline: 20 March 2014

Professionals – $115
Students – $50


  • Andrea Cochran, FASLA, Principal, Andrea Cochran Landscape Architecture, San Francisco, CA
  • Tobiah Horton, LEED AP, Assistant Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey  
  • David Kamp, FASLA, LF, NA, Dirtworks, PC, New York                        
  • Keith LeBlanc, FASLA, Keith LeBlanc Landscape Architecture, Inc., Boston, MA
  • Darrel Morrison, FASLA, Ecological Landscape Design and Management, New York

Design Challenge:

The goal of Suburbia Transformed 3.0 is to promote and celebrate residential designs that go beyond “green” by explicitly using sustainable strategies, tactics and technologies to enrich the aesthetic spatial experience of people.  ST 3.0 will assemble contemporary projects achieving this goal into a travelling exhibition and catalogue. The emphasis is on how such sustainable landscapes can be beautiful, inspiring, perhaps profound; and serve as examples for transforming the suburban residential fabric, one garden at a time.

For more information, go to: