Grand-Métis – The International Garden Festival

Jardins de Metis / Redford Gardens

Open, International


Grand-Métis, in the Gaspésie region of Québec, Canada
14 September, 2009 – call for entries
6 November, 2009 – deadline to send proposals
1 December, 2009 – public announcement of the chosen projects
1 February, 2010 – deadline for reception of documents showing the preliminary design for the garden
26 February, 2010 – deadline to submit pans and estimates for the construction of
the garden, incorporating comments by the technical committee of the Festival
12 March 2010 – Final approval of the plans and estimates by Festival’s artistic and technical committee
16 March, 2010 to 1 May, 2010 – Purchase of materials and preparation of plants by
the Festival in collaboration with designers
5 May, 2010 Construction begins by the Festival team
18-25 June, 2010 – Designers are on site to supervise the completion of the gardens, participate in the opening events, meet the public and the media
25 June, 2010 – Inauguration of the Festival
26 June, 2010 – The Festival opens to the public
27 June, 2010 – Designers meet with the public
3 October, 2010 – The Festival Closes

This call for entries is open to all professional designers (or teams of designers) from Québec, the rest of Canada and internationally that work in the fields of landscape architecture, architecture, visual arts, and design.  The Festival encourages participants to form multidisciplinary teams to favour an approach which is open and encompassing of the various design disciplines.  Multidisciplinary teams may be composed of a landscape architect and an architect, engineer, scenographer, artist or designer from other disciplines. We encourage each team to incorporate a landscape architect or a garden designer

Jury: TBA

The Competition:
The International Garden Festival is preparing its 11th edition and is issuing a call for proposals to select designers to create contemporary gardens around the theme of “Paradise”. The Festival will be held from June 26 to October 3, 2010 at Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens, in Grand-Métis, Québec, Canada.  The International Garden Festival is recognized as one of the most important events of its kind in North America and one of the two leading annual garden festivals in the worlds.  The Festival encourages participants to explore all facets of the garden, from the physical setting to creating a range of sensory, emotive and intellectual experiences for the visitor.

Submission Requirements:
Entries should be sent electronically as a single PDF not exceeding 30 Mb.  This should include a presentation page with the name of the project, designers, and respondent of the team.  Contact information including: address, telephone, fax, email and website (if appropriate).  A 150-word presentation of the team and a 70 word maximum answer to “In what way, in your view, will your project contribute to the renewal of the art of the garden?”
A schema 11” X 17” or A3 with a 150 word description of the concept and experience offered to visitors, a plan layout (min. scale 1/100) and a list of suggested plants.
A schema 11” X 17” or A3 with two main views or elevations, and a perspective showing the garden in its entirety.
Curriculum vitae of the designers, 2 page maximum per person
A schema 11” X 17” or A3 presenting up to three recent projects by the team and/or its designers

For more information, go to: