Architecture Building/Cracow University of Technology


Sponsor: Cracow University of Technology and CUT Faculty of Architecture
Type: open, Student, Ideas
Eligibility: Available to BArch and MArch students in the EU, U.K. and Switzerland
Fee: none
Languages: Polish, English
15 December 2023 – Registration deadline
22 January 2024 – Submission deadline
30 January 2024 – Announcement of results
A total of 25,000 PLN ($6,300 has been set aside as prize money
Jury: TbD

The Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology would like to invite students to take part in a competition for a new, multi-purpose educational building located near the historical military barracks and royal palace in Cracow’s Łobzów, which is a part of the Cracow University of Technology campus. The aim of the competition is to propose a new building that would make it possible to organize lectures and exhibitions, create new opportunities to spend time between classes, and offer spaces where students could jointly develop their architectural interests.

