International competition Rasadnik


Client Municipality of Kisela Voda, Skopje, Macedonia
History: Second of two competitions for the site
Type: Open, international, anonymous
Eligibility: Licensed design professionals and students
Fees: none
Languages: Macedonian and English
Contract value Tbc
First round deadline
3 July 2023
Winner – €15,000 prize
2nd prize – €8,000
3rd prize – €3,000
4th prize – €2,000 

Skopje is the capital and largest city of North Macedonia. The city was struck by a disastrous earthquake in 1963 which killed more than 1,070 people and left 200,000 homeless, with 80 per cent of its buildings destroyed. Reconstruction has concentrated on reducing density and creating new green spaces and infrastructure for future expansion, but many historic monuments and structures were lost. In recent decades some urban initiatives have focused on the reconstruction of former Neoclassical landmarks, which had been lost as a result of the earthquake.

1. Prof. Ognen Marina PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture Skopje – President

2. Prof. Massimo Crotti, Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, Member

3. Prof. MishkoRalev, PhD, Assoc. of Architects of Macedonia

4. Natasha Vlchevska – Savikj, Master of architecture, Chamber of Authorized Architects and Engineers-Member

5. Dragan Stojanov, Master of architecture, Civic Participatory Body -Member

6. Golubina Arsovska-Master of architecture,Municipality of Kisela Voda – Member

7. Kiril Dimeski, Master of architecture, Member of the Urban Planning Commission – Member

8. Laze Tripkov, Associate Professor, Faculty of Design and Multimedia, International Balkan University – Skopje Member

9. Slavche Trpeski, Law graduate– Member

Design Challenge
The competition seeks proposals to transform the undeveloped Rasаdnik site into a new multifunctional area featuring housing and an urban forest alongside new recreational, sports, educational, health, cultural and social facilities.

For more information:

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:

Questions: [email protected]