Architecture at Zero 2023

A Design Competition for Decarbonization, Equity and Resilience in California


Sponsors: Southern California Edison (SCE); San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E); Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E); Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) and The American Institute of Architects California (AIA CA) and The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS)

Competition site: Allensworth, CA

Type: open, international, anonymous
Eligibility: Architecture at Zero is a design competition for decarbonization, equity and resilience, open to students and professionals worldwide. It serves to engage the fields of architecture, design, engineering and planning in the pursuit of sustainable design.
Language: English
Students – no fee
Professionals – $325 per entry

16 June 2023 – Deadline for documents submission


• Lance Collins, AIA – Partner Energy

• Mary Ann Lazarus, Architect and Consultant
• Paul Torcellini, PhD PE – Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

• Allison Grace Williams, FAIA – AGWms_Studio

Awards: $ 25,000 to be distributed at discretion of Jury

Design Challenge:

The Architecture at Zero 2023 competition challenge is to design a teaching and innovation farm lab, connecting the history of California’s first Black town, to its present aspiration to become a destination for sustainable agriculture.
All entrants will design the Teaching & Innovation Farm Lab.  Graduate students and professionals will also design housing for farm students on the site.

For more information:

Questions: [email protected]