Magnet School Campus Gallus, Frankfurt am Main

Neue Bildungscampus Gallus, Frankfurt am Main


Sponsor: City of Frankfurt am Main
Type: open, RfQ, two-stage, EU/EWR
Eligibility: Architects/Landscape Architects
Language: German
Fee: non
22 April 2022 – RfQ deadline for submissions
14 June 2022 – Deadline for design submissions
20 July 2022 – Jury
Process: It is intended to select 25 participants for the competition stage of the program. Five firms (below) have already been invited
Names of the participants already selected:
– CEBRA, Copenhagen
– C.F. Møller Architects + C.F. Møller Landscape, Copenhagen
– querkraft architekten zt gmbh, Vienna + KIERAN FRASER LANDSCAPE DESIGN, Vienna
– AllesWirdGut Architektur ZT GmbH, Vienna + Grabner Huber Lipp from Freising/Hamburg
– gernot schulz : architektur GmbH, Cologne + club L94 Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Cologne

Total competition sum: € 469,000.00
1st prize: € 172.000
2nd prize: € 103.200
3rd prize: € 51.600
Recognition: € 17.200

From the competition sum, 125.000,00 € will be distributed among the participants of the first and second phase. In phase I, 3.000,00 EUR will be distributed per participant, based on 25 participants. In Phase II, EUR 5,000.00 will be distributed per participant, assuming 10 participants.

Criteria for the evaluation of the projects:
– Integration into the surroundings / if applicable, handling of the existing buildings and development
– Architectural design and spatial quality
– Quality of open space planning in terms of design and spatial quality
– Fulfillment of the spatial program and functional relationships
– Accessibility and inclusion
– Traffic functionality
– sustainability

Design Challenge:
Within the framework of “Frankfurt macht Schule,” measures for all-day care, inclusive schooling, participation in education, and digitization have been initiated, which will now be taken up and elaborated on the Gallus Education Campus. These topics as well as inclusive learning models therefore require new spatial organizational models.


In this respect, the Gallus Education Campus has a special pioneering role. In addition to the integrated comprehensive school with school library and several gymnasiums, the site already houses a district library, children’s centers and childcare services for children and young people. A new addition is the “campus heart” with auditorium and cafeteria as well as administrative and teaching space and the upper secondary school, thus complementing the educational offering up to university entrance qualification.


A total of eight institutions will together form the Gallus Education Campus. They will continue to exist as organizationally independent institutions, but in the future they want to cooperate much more closely than before, develop joint offerings and fill the synergies of the Education Campus with life. Around 2,000 children, young people and adults will ensure lively learning and life on the campus.


Address of the sponsor:
Amt für Bau und Immobilien 
Solmsstraße 27-37
60486 Frankfurt am Main 
Frau Martina Richter
Tel.: +49 (0)69 – 212 361 20
Herr Jörg Winkler
Tel.: +49 (0)69 – 212 400 66 
E-Mail: [email protected]

For more information (in German):