Retrofit of Jonulas Radvilla Palace for Museum Purposes



Photo ©Gintarė Grigėnaitė



Sponsor: Lithuanian National Museum of Art

Organizer: Lithuanian Architects Association

Type: open, international

Languages: English and Lithuanian

Fee: none

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Site: The Radvilas residency, built in 17th century, is located in Vilnius Old Town. During the centuries, the complex has experienced some alterations, but today it is one of the historic monuments of national importance in Lithuania


2 September 2021 – Registration and submission deadline


1st place – €12,000

2nd place – €8,000

3rd place – €5,000

Evaluation criteria:

Evaluation criteria (criteria are not listed in descending order of importance): 

  • general architectural concept, it’s architectural expression and quality; 
  • quality of urban solutions; 
  • functionality of the building complex, rational layout of the programme; 
  • preserving and revealing its historical and cultural value; 
  • potential to implement the project within the planned budget in the proposed stages. 

To register:

The Lithuanian procurement system can be accessed by the following:

More information can be obtained by email:

[email protected]