Antwerp (Belgium) WWII Memorial on the Scheldt quays in Antwerp

Sponsor: AG VESPA
Type: EU, RfQ limited competition

Eligibility: (EU) Architects, Landscape Architects, Engineers, etc.

29 January 2021 – RfQ Deadline
Language: Dutch (for submission of tenders)
Description of Project:
Design of public domain Pilotage site and design of WWII Memorial on the Scheldt quays in Antwerp. The subject includes the preparation of a landscape design – with the integration of the design of the memorial and monument of names – for the Scheldt quays near the Loodswezen. The project area comprises the zone from the Bonaparte lock to the Noorderterras. The assignment covers the entire process from drawing ups the design to the follow-up of the works. 

Contact person:
Greet De Roey
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: +32 32168177
