2021 Steel Design Student Competition


Sponsor: American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
Coordinator: ACSA
Type: Student, open
Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students in architecture programs
Fees: none
7 April 2021 – Registration deadline
2 June 2021 – Submission deadline
Awards: $20,000 in cash prizes
Design Challenges:
Two categories – Workplace Wellness and Open
Category I – Workplace Wellness
Challenges architecture students to rethink the nature of working in a post-pandemic era and how to design for holistic physical and mental wellness for all the building’s inhabitants. We are asking you to go beyond the traditionally held singular focus on worker productivity and think about environments where everyone is safe and thrives.

Category II – Open
Offers architecture students the opportunity to select a site and building program using steel as the primary material. This competition category permits the greatest amount of flexibility for any building type.

For more information and to enter:

For questions:
Edwin Hernández
Programs Coordinator
[email protected]