Green City Kigali, Republic of Rwanda

Selection of Urban and Architectural Design Consultant organization to undertake Urban Planning, Infrastructure and Architectural Design Services


Sponsors:Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA), KfW Development Bank and the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Type: International, RfQ, two-stage
Language: English
Fee: None

Through the design competition, the selection process is seeking to appoint an experienced and suitably qualified Urban and Architectural Design Consultant organization (and their assembled multi-disciplinary sub-consultant team) to further develop their masterplan proposals for the 600ha Kinyinya Hill area, together with a detailed masterplan and associated construction stage information for the pilot development.
Compensation: Each of the shortlisted teams will receive €50,000 upon fulfilling the competition rules upon submitting their proposal.

18 December 2019 – Submission of RfQ documents
3 February 2020 – Notification of successful applicants
27 March 2020 – Submission of final design tenders

Mr. Martin Rein-Cano, Founder, Topotek1, Germany

Dr Manilo Michieletto, Dean, School of Architecture and Built Environ- ment, University of Rwanda

Mr Harouna Nshimiyimana, Rwanda Housing Authority 
Mr Peter Oborn, Peter Oborn Associates, United Kingdom, acting as the RIBA Architect Adviser

Ms Anett-Maud Joppien, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; Chair of Architectural Design / Energy- and technology concepts 

Mr. Paul Finch, OBE, Commission of the Built Enivornment, World Architectural Festival

Panel Member #7, TBD
Panel Member #8. TBD

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