RIBA International Competition | The Low Line

Type: open, international, two-stage
Fee: None
Language: English


2 September 2019 – Stage 1 deadline

Process and compensation:

The initial phase of the competition invites teams of architects, landscape architects, designers, ecologists and other design-related disciplines to submit designs anonymously, in digital format only.  Five concept designs will then be shortlisted for further development. Each shortlisted designer will receive an honorarium of £4,000 + VAT. The winning team will be invited to develop the vision in greater detail.

  The Low Line, London’s emerging world-class walkway and destination which traces the path of the Victorian railway viaducts through Bankside, London Bridge and Bermondsey, is the subject of an international design competition, launched today by Better Bankside and the Low Line Steering Group, working with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).  

Competition challenge
The aim of the Low Line competition is to develop a unifying vision and strategy to inform the delivery of greening and biodiversity enhancements along and adjacent to the Low Line, that can help support social, environmental and economic well-being, and can be implemented organically over time as the Low Line route evolves. 

For full details, go to: