Results: Drilon-Tushemisht Waterscape Park, Pogradec, Albania

Sponsor: Albanian-American Development Foundation

Design Challenge:
The development of a Master Plan and Design Project for the Waterscape Park (WPD) of Drilon –Tushemisht area which consists of an architectural and urban planning proposal for the WPD with development of mobility and a circulation system.

First Prize – Contract for design implementation (USD 250,000)

PROAP SA, Lisbon, Portugal

Second Prize (USD 7,000)

Grimshaw Architects LLP, London, U.K.

Third Prize (USD 5,000)

AKA Design, Rome, Italy


MCA Architectes Srl (Italy)

Archea Associati Srl  (Italy)

It is hardly a surprise that three of the five finalists were Italian, since Italy is just across the Adriatic from Albania. Also, the administrator of the competition was an Italian firm.

Note: The winner of the Waterscape Park competition has been contracted to undertake the realization of the project.