Actually BIG NEWS!

COMPETITIONS has moved to a new platform. This will correct some problems we have encountered with our present website provider—some of you have only been receiving one of two emails from us: either the Newsletter or the Ezine. For that we apologize, and that has now been resolved. So now some of you will no longer be in the dark about all of our activities at COMPETITIONS. For those of you who are not up to date on your subscriptions, we are extending our circulation period until March 1st, 2016 so that you can experience the new improvements. We still offer the two-tier subscription format—the COMPETITIONS Annual with the newsletter and Ezine, and the electronic communications only—the latter a real deal for overseas subscribers at only US$35.00. Besides all of this, subscribers to the web format only can have access to the blocked areas of our website: “Interviews” and “Article Archives.” Please go to: