6th Advanced Architecture Competition

Sponsor: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia; FabLab Barcelona

Type: Open, international, ideas

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Entrance Fee: None

Awards: A total of 60,000.00 EUR will be distributed at the discretion of the Jury

Languages: English

Eligiblity: The competition is opened to students and professionals. There is no age limit; the projects may be carried out be individually or in groups, with no restriction on the number of members of the team.

Submission Deadline: 18 January 2016

Design Challenge:

The aim of the competition is to promote discussion and research through which to generate insights and visions, ideas and proposals that help us envisage what the city and the habitat of the 21st century will be like.

The competition is open to architects, engineers, planners and designers who want to contribute to progress in making the world more habitable by developing a proposal capable of responding to emerging challenges in areas such as ecology, information technology, architecture, and productive cities.

Prize (Total value: 60.000,00 EUR) will be distributed at the discretion of the Juries following the bases scheme. The competition jury, which is composed of architects, professionals in a wide range of fields and directors of some of the world’s foremost architecture schools, is looking for outstanding proposals at any scale, for any city in the world on Smart Cities, Eco neighborhoods, Self-sufficient buildings, Intelligent homes, FabLabs, Urban farming or any other proposal that analyzes the phenomena of the Productive City.

The programme challenges the participants to design any project directly related to productive cities: buildings, sensors, devices, urban planning, means of transportation, urban farming, energy systems, etc.

Contact Information: http://www.advancedarchitecturecontest.org/