Tristan da Cunha Design Ideas Competition

Sponsor: RIBA

Location: Tristan da Cunha island

Type: Open, ideas, 2 stage, international

Language: English

Eligiblity: The competition is open to design teams from around the globe who must be led by a fully qualified architect. Architects practising in the UK should be registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB), with overseas-based applicants registered to practice with an equivalent regulatory authority.

At Phase 2, the authors of the five short-listed proposals will need to demonstrate their ability to assemble a cross-disciplinary team with appropriate skill-sets that would be capable of tackling the many different facets of the project.

Entrance Fee: none

Awards: Honoraria will be payable to each short-listed team who complies with the requirements of the competition and makes a presentation at the clarification interviews. The Promoter undertakes to pay within six weeks of the conclusion of the competition, an honorarium of GBP £3,000 (+VAT), with the winning team to receive an additional payment of GBP £2,000 (+VAT).

2 June 2015 – Submissions deadline
Design Challenge

Tristan da Cunha is the remotest inhabited island in the world. Situated within the South Atlantic Ocean, the island lays approximately 1,750 miles (7 to 10 days sailing) south-west of Cape Town and is only accessible by sea, on approximately 60 days per year.

To coincide with the island’s 200th Anniversary in 2016, the Tristanians are keen to see how the built environment and energy efficiency of all homes and government buildings can be improved. Design teams (to be led by a practising registered architect) from around the globe are invited to participate in this unique design competition that is seeking ideas to help the community become self-sustainable and ensure that Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is viable for future generations.

The competition is seeking innovative, cost-effective approaches for the re-design and consolidation of the Island’s government buildings; initiatives to significantly improve the living standards and performance of residential properties; together with improvements to the Island’s agrarian systems to better support grazing and the year-round growth of fresh produce.

For more information, go to: