New Homes for Neighbourhoods Competition

Sponsor: RIBA

Location: Brighton, UK

Type: Open, 3 phase

Language: English

Eligiblity: The competition is open to fully qualified architects who are registered to practice in the UK with the Architects Registration Board (ARB). At Phase 2, the authors of the four short-listed schemes will be required to demonstrate their ability to assemble a team (with consultants from other appropriate design disciplines) capable of delivering the project.

Entrance Fee: none

Awards: Each design team short-listed to Phase 2 of the competition [up to four] will receive an equal honorarium payment of £5,000 [+VAT] following attendance at the clarification presentation with the Judging Panel

24 April 2015 – Submissions deadline for Prequalification Phase
Design Challenge: Brighton & Hove City Council has developed a Small Site Strategy initiative to unlock sites within the City that are considered potentially challenging to develop by virtue of their size, context, overlooking issues and/or restricted access.
Practising registered architects in the UK are invited to enter an Open Design Competition seeking innovative design proposals for small-scale housing developments on four sites which form part of the Council’s Housing Revenue Account portfolio. Competitors will be asked to select and develop strategic design approaches for two of the four sites, leading to the identification of a preferred scheme for each site and the respective authors being potentially invited to deliver their scheme post-competition. 
The design competition is intended to set a development precedent, with the potential for further programme rollout in the future. As a guide, the construction cost of each residential unit should be in the region of £150,000 or £1,700 per sq m. The competition presents an ideal opportunity for SME’s generally, as well as practices based in the Brighton and Hove area, to showcase their design skills.

For more information, go to:Â