Royal Adelaide Hospital Design Competition

Sponsor: Office for Design and Architecture, South Australia

Location: Adelaide, Australia

Type: Open, ideas, international, two-stage

Language: English

Eligiblity: Open internationally to registered architects and landscape architects

Fee: To be announced


Stage One Shortlisted entries (up to 6): AU$100,000 each
Stage Two First Prize: AU$200,000
Stage Two Second Prize: AU$70,000
Stage Two Third Prize: AU$30,000
People’s Choice Award: $10,000


Stage One: 18 July – 28 August
Stage Two: 16 September – 8 November

Jury: To be announced

Design Challenge:

South Australian Government Architect, Ben Hewett, is pleased to advise that the Office for
Design and Architecture SA (ODASA), will led a design led engagement process to explore
possibilities for the current Royal Adelaide Hospital site.

As a significant site in Adelaide, the ideas of the community and interested parties will
be sought through extensive participation activities that will be run in parallel to an
international open ideas design competition.

The design led engagement process, including the design competition, will ensure that the Royal
Adelaide Hospital site integrates with the Greater Riverbank Precinct and City. The brief will
ask teams to consider:
• Civic and cultural opportunities;
• Best practice in sustainable design;
• Connection to the City, Park Lands and the Riverbank;
• Open space as an extension of the Park Lands;
• Respect for the cultural and built heritage, adaptive reuse and innovative new uses; and
• Economically viable ideas that support the East End, the City of Adelaide and the state
of South Australia.

For more information, go to: