AuthentiCity Design Competition

Sponsor: Congress of New Urbanism
Type: Open, ideas
Location: Madison, WI
Language: English
Students – $20
Professionals – $60
Eligibility: Students and professionals in architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, and planning

April 29, 2011 – Submission Deadline
June 4, 2011 – Winners Announced
June 1-4, 2011 – Exhibition – CNU 19 Madison

First prize – $1000
Second prize – $500

Stephanie Bothwell, Urban and Landscape Design
Bill Dennis, B. Dennis Town & Building Design
Doug Johnson, Board Member, Schenk-Atwood-Starkweather-Yahara Neighborhood Association
James A. LaGro, Jr., University of Wisconsin – Madison, Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Matthew Lambert, Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company – Jury Chair
Dawn O’Kroley, City of Madison Design Commission
Judy Olson, City of Madison Plan Commission
Daniel Parolek, Opticos Design, Inc.

Todd Zimmerman, Zimmerman/Volk Associates, Inc.

Design Challenge: Entrants to the competition are challenged to design a flexible master plan that establishes a neighborhood center and plans for a variety of growth opportunities to occur as the site develops over time. Madison has experienced various market fluctuations, much like many other Midwestern cities, and therefore submitted entries should illustrate how a variety of programmatic combinations could be constructed within their proposed site plan.

Applicants are encouraged to develop a plan that represents an ideal development scenario for the site using the principles outlined in the Charter for the New Urbanism as a guide. Applicants should also consider how the site can organically grow over time, and plans for successional growth and adaptive building typologies should be considered.
In addition to illustrating the incremental growth and phased build-out of proposals, civic buildings and public spaces should be established as key pieces of plan. In particular, special attention should be given to shaping several public squares, plazas and small parks with plans for accommodating the needs of future rail access. The final build out population of the project should represent the net addition to the neighborhood that would be needed to make a the project a viable mixed-use neighborhood center providing walkable daily needs to those within a five to ten minute walk.

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