Blue Award 09 – An international Student Competition for Sustainable Architecture

Sponsors: bmvit, Haus der Sukunft, JAP, INEX, UIA, Verein fur Architecktur und Raum, Bouygues Immobilier, Fonciere Paris France, Lafarge, Klimafonds, TU Wien, Abteilung fur Raumgestaltung

Type: Student, International

Language: English

Eligibility: students of architecture, regional planning and urbanism

Registration Fee:

Total: 15,000 euro

10 November 2009 – Competition Presentation
1 February 2010 – Submission Deadline
22 April 2010 – Awards Ceremony
23-30 April 2010 – Exhibition

An international jury, presided by Prof. Thomas Herzog, university professor and architect in Munich

Design Challenge:
Sustainable development, with its economical, cultural and social dimensions in architecture and urbanism, should be given the same value and attention as the classical problems of technique and function. The language of contemporary architecture is to experience a fundamental change under this influence.

An award for the best student works in the topic of sustainable architecture and building culture, open worldwide to students of architecture, regional planning and urbanism.  The award’s main objective is to promote the topic of sustainability in architecture, regional planning, and urbanism. 

The BLUE Award will be handed out in three categories: Urban Transfomation and Development, Building with Ecological Systems, and Building in Existing Structures.

For more information, go to: