Holy Cross Parish Church Improvement Competition

Sponsor: RIAI (Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland)

Type: open, 1-stage

Language: English

Eligibility: architect members of RIAI

Registration fee: 121.50EUR

1st Prize – 10,000EUR

11 September, 2009 – registration deadline
25 September, 2009 – submission deadline

Fr. Kieran McDermott, Parish Priest, Holy Cross Parish
Paul O’Neill, Chair, Parish Development Committee
Eddie O’Shea, FRIAI, Diocesan Representative
Gay McCarron, MIPI, Development Committee Member
Martin Donnelly, MRIAI, Development Committee Member
Deirdre McCullagh Artist, Development Committee Member
Cathy Prunty, RIAI (ArchTech) Development Committee Member

Design Challenge:
Holy Cross Church, a protected structure on Main Street, Dundrum is located in the centre of Dundrum village since the 1800s. The village has seen enormous physical change to the built environment around it in the last number of years. The physical importance of the church, as a significant part of the landscape has reduced in against the new backdrop of commerce generated by Phase One of the Dundrum Centre, the By-pass, large apartment blocks and the by-pass roadway. Phase Two of Dundrum center will have an even greater impact.

These changes offer not just challenges but opportunities which the Parish Development wishes to address and to also try and create an attractive, accessible ambience on Main Street so as to establish a presence which will draw people to enter into its calm and spiritual interior.

The ideas are to relate to the church itself, the ‘mortuary’ / shop and the sacristy area. The basement accommodation is not included. Areas of particular interest include Access, Lighting, the Choir Balcony, Statuary, Shrines / Candle Display / Notices and Decoration.

Submission Requirements:
Competitors are required to submit one A1 size sheet of information in a horizontal format. There is no specified format for submissions but competitors are required to provide the following minimum information:
– Plans, sections and elevations at 1:200
– Sketches to illustrate general proposals
– 1:20 construction details of choir balcony (if considered)

Each competitor will submit a report, which will deal with the architectural, lighting, functional, environmental and technical factors relevant to the scheme with an Outline Cost Plan. The report will not exceed two A4 pages, excluding a 1 page outline cost plan.

For more information, go to: http://www.riai.ie/?id=7439