Zerofootprint Building Re-Skinning Competition

Type: open

Language: English

Multidisciplinary teams made up of architects, engineers, and environmental scientists from anywhere in the world to enter this competition. This competition is also open to educational institutions receiving funding from Industry Canada’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program.

The Z-Prize will be given to the building that has most reduced the energy per square foot, averaged over the three years of monitoring.

1 September 2009 – submission deadline
30 September 2009 – five finalists selected
31 March 2009 – finalist project construction completed

Thomas Auer
Andrew Bowerbank
George Baird
Judith MiMaio
Stefan Benisch
Edward Mazria
William McDonough
Robin Mellon

Design Challenge:

The goal of the Zerofootprint Building Re-Skinning Competition is to advance the state-of-the-art in retrofitting such built spaces through better design and improved materials and technology, thus creating retrofitting systems that can be scaled to a large number of buildings and deployed globally.

A key requirement of entries to this competition is that the building designs submitted must be pre-funded: that is, the designs submitted will actually be executed upon the chosen buildings. The competition will be judged on the following criteria:

– Aesthetics
– energy efficiency
– smart technology
– return on investment
– potential as a solution for a large number of buildings.

For more information, go to:
