Kunsthaus Zürich Extension
(Zürich Art Museum Extension)
Open, International, RfQ
Zurich, Switzerland
Registration deadline – 1 February 2008
2nd Submission of Plans – 29 August 2008
Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft, Stiftung Zürcher Kunsthaus and the City of Zurich
Open, International, RfQ preselection process (A total of 20 teams will be selected for the second competition stage, including two young firms)
Architects, Landscape architects, Engineers
The language of the procurement process is German
Registration deadline – 1 February 2008
2nd Submission of Plans – 29 August 2008
2nd Submission of Models – 12 September 2008
A total of CHF 360,000.00 (excluding 7.6% VAT) is reserved for the
prizes and acquisitions in the design competition. The acquisitions
amount to a maximum of 20 % of the entire prize total. Acquired
competition entries can be ranked by the jury and recommended for
further development if need be. Every project admitted for judging
within the design competition process will be awarded a fixed
reimbursement of CHF 10,000 (excluding VAT) of the total amount.
This means CHF 160,000 (excluding VAT) is available for prices and
• Walter B. Kielholz, Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft (Chair)
• Dr. Thomas Wagner, President of the Stiftung Zürcher Kunsthaus (substitute)
• Dr. Christoph Becker, Director of the Kunsthaus Zürich
• Dr. Elmar Ledergerber, President of the City Council of Zurich
• Kathrin Martelli, Head of the Hochbaudepartement Stadt Zürich [Building and Construction Department, City of Zurich] and Member of the City Council
• Dr. Christian Bührle, Board of the Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
• Peter Fischli, Artist, Zurich
• Prof. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, President of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin (if absent replaced by Norbert Zimmermann, Vice-President of the Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin)
• Dr. Maja Oeri, President of the Laurenz-Stiftung, Collector, Basel (if absent replaced by Dr. Theodora Vischer, Director Schaulager of the foundation Laurenz-Stiftung, Basel)
The Kunsthaus Zürich is the most important local art museum and enjoys international renown due to its collection and programme of exhibitions. In addition, it is an important attraction for the cultural site of Zurich. Securing and expanding this position in an ever more dynamic environment is therefore strategically important for
maintaining the advantages of Zürich as a cultural location.
The Kunsthaus Zürich building complex stems from 1910 and was last converted in 2001 – 2005 and renovated extensively for a total of CHF 56 million. Due to longer-term considerations, there is a strong interest in a significant extension today.
The Kunsthaus extension will be located on the area between the old cantonal school and the Heimplatz, directly opposite the existing Kunsthaus.
Issuing of Documents for Preselection:
From Friday 14th December 2007, the following documents can
be obtained at http://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/hochbau Themen:
Ausschreiben/ Wettbewerbe Architektur or from the tendering body:
– Summary of the competition brief (chapters A and B)
– Aerial photograph
– Land register plan with indicated perimeter
– Self-declaration form architecture
– Self-declaration form landscape architecture
– Self-declaration form civil engineering
Application Documents:
– Reference projects: From the architects, two A3 pages
each and from the landscape architects and civil
engineers, one A3 page each, printed on one side, with
reference projects of realised buildings and projects,
preferably of museum architecture or other cultural
Stadt Zürich
Amt für Hochbauten
Lindenhofstrasse 21
CH-8001 Zürich
For direct submissions:
Amtshaus III, Lindenhofstrasse 21, 8001 Zürich
2nd floor, Empfang [Reception] office 205
Opening times of 08.00 – 16:00 h
Tel. +41 44 412 29 30
Fax +41 44 212 19 36