Berlin Multi-Purpose Sports Complex Masterplan


Sponsor: Land Berlin

Type: Open, two-stage, anonymous

Up to 20 teams will be shortlisted from phase I to take part in the final selection phase II

Fee: none

Language: German

Links to documents:

(“Auslobung” indicates competition brief})

 The competition is for licensed professionals, whereby all participating teams should include a landscape architect.


26 June 2020 – End of Question and Answer period – phase I

18 August 2020 – Phase I submission deadline

7 October 2020 – End of Q&A period – phase II
20 November 2020 – Phase II design submissions


• Martin Rein-Cano, Landschaftsarchitekt, Berlin
• Irene Lohaus, Landschaftsarchitektin und Stadtplanerin, Hannover/Dresden
• Christa Reicher, Stadtplanerin und Architektin, Aachen
• Zvonko Turkali, Architekt, Frankfurt a. M.
• Kunibert Wachten, Stadtplaner und Architekt, Dortmund


1st Prize 39.000 €
2nd Prize 29.250 €
3rd Prize 19.500 €
2 Honorable mentions @4.875 €

This is primarily a training complex for Olympic level athletes. It should, however, be also available with with limitations and scheduling for the general public.
Participants must become knowledgeable concerning the present and future plans for the sports complex. For instance, one of the sports arenas is now multi-purpose and thus requires some challenging scheduling for the training of Olympia level athletes, necessitating construction of additional space.
In addition, the very nature of this large complex presents wayfinding challenges, many of which can be solved by additional signage.


Address for design submissions:
Abteilung Städtebau und Projekte
Referat für Architektur, Stadtgestaltung und Wettbewerbe,
Württembergische Straße 6,
10707 Berlin,
Raum 131, 1. OG