The Home of 2030 design competition


Professional Adviser: RIBA

Location: U.K.
Type: International, Open, two-stage
Process: First stage open with shortlisting for second stage finalists

Eligibility: The Home of 2030 Design Competition aims to attract the best and brightest talents of the housing industry to design the homes of the future. Competitors are invited to come forward with ideas for new low carbon age-friendly homes, meeting the highest standards of design.

Fee: None
Budget: ND
Language: English


15 April 2020 – Stage I Design submissions
Jury: TbD


Each of the six (6) finalists shortlisted from stage I will receive £40,000


The Home of 2030 competition seeks to develop a home that will help tackle the key challenges facing our society. It focuses on solving multiple issues: to generate new typologies and products that are age friendly and inclusive, address health and wellbeing but at the same time harness new and evolving techniques and technologies for a low carbon and energy efficient future. The competition is focused on deliverability, cost-effectiveness and design quality and addressing gaps that there may be in the marke.

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