Buffalo’s “High-Line“ Competition: Reimagining the DL&W Corridor

Image: courtesy- WNYLC


Sponsor: Western New York Land Conservancy
Type: Open, International, one-stage, ideas
Eligibility: Professionals, students, teams
Fee: none
Language: English
11 January 2018 – Q&A period ends
10 February 2018 – Registration deadline
15 February 2018 – Submission deadline
•  Charles Davis II, Assistant Professor of Architectural History and Criticism, University at Buffalo
Ken Greenberg, Principal of Greenberg Consultants/author of Walking Home – the life and lessons of a city builder
Sara Heidinger, President of the Old First Ward Community Association/co-owner Undergrounds Coffee House & Roastery
Chris Reed, Founding Director of Stoss Landscape Urbanism/Professor at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Robert Shibley, Professor and Dean of the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning/UB Campus Architect/Senior Fellow at the UB Regional Institute
Janne Sirén, Director of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Ana Traverso-Krejcarek, Manager of the High Line Network, at Friends of the High Line

First Place: $7,500
Second Place: $3,000
Third Place: $1,000

Community Choice Award: $3,000

Proposals should:

  • Align with the 2018 community vision plan’s guiding principles and strategies (available at wnylc.org/dlw and from the Supporting Materials and Data website);
  • Incorporate inspirational, innovative and inclusive urban design that is practical and achievable. An initial cost estimate for the construction of the trail and greenway is approximately $21 million;
  • Enhance natural wildlife habitats and use native plants;
    Consider connections and amenities;
  • Ensure connections to adjacent parks, trails and the waterfront as well as possible features and amenities within the context of the surrounding geography and land use;
  • Consider locations of trail and greenway entrances and access implications on existing communities and amenities, including both primary and secondary entrances to the corridor;
  • Explore the potential for additional recreational amenities adjacent to the corridor:
  • Incorporate comfort stations and respite areas along the corridor that provide, for example, restrooms and nursing stations.
  • Promote access for multiple users and uses:
  • Accommodate the potential for future consideration of light rail along the corridor, with particular attention to the western most section of the corridor between the DL&W terminal and Louisiana Street.
  • Strive for universal access.
  • Consider year-round uses and access, including winter uses in a cold-weather climate.
  • Design each area to fit the context of the surrounding neighborhoods and consider several of the key features in the four different sections of the corridor described on the following pages.

For more information and to register, go to:
