New Hsinta Ecological Power Plant Construction Project Conceptual Design International Competition

Sponsor: Taiwan Power Company, Taiwan
Theme: Aesthetics” becomes a new dimension of the next-generation power plant.
Type: open, international, two-stage, Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Languages: English, Chinese
Fee: none
Qualifications for Participation:
1. Any licensed architect (or architect firm) of Taiwan or any licensed architect (or architect firm), licensed landscape architect (or landscape architect firm) of foreign country, alone or in teams.

2. Any design-related company of Taiwan or foreign country, alone or in teams.

3. Any student recommended by design-related department of university of Taiwan or foreign country, alone or in teams. For more information, please visit the website.


2018/01/05 – Registration Deadline
2018/01/23 – Submission deadline
2018/01/25 ~ 2018/01/26
- Stage I Jury session
- Announcement of shortlist
2018/04/26 ~ 2018/04/27
- Stage Two jury session
2018/04/27 – Announcement of the Winners 
1. Stage One:
Five Shortlists: NT$ 200,000 for each (Approximately US$ 6,600)
(Awarded the right to enter into Stage Two)
Five Honorable Mentions: NT$ 100,000 for each (Approximately US$ 3,300)
Ten Selected Awards: Certificate of Award
2. Stage Two:
First Prize: NT$ 4,000,000(Approximately US$ 130,000)
Second Prize: NT$ 2,000,000(Approximately US$ 66,000)
Third Prize: NT$ 1,000,000(Approximately US$ 33,000)
Two Merit Awards: NT$ 500,000(Approximately US$ 16,000) for each

Design Challenge:

Taiwan Power Company’s Hsinta Power Plant is looking to expand its natural gas facilities at the No. 2 plant location in Yongan District, Kaohsiung City. To ensure harmony with the surrounding historical architecture and wetland ecology of salt fields, the Company is soliciting a breakthrough ecological power plant design and landscaping program that aligns its design thinking with leading global visions. The result of the competition will serve to inform the plant’s future design and construction. This marks the first time Taiwan brings the conceptual design of a power plant into an international competition. Taiwan Power Company cordially invites outstanding professional teams as well as students in architecture, landscape design and spatial design from local and abroad to take part in this competition!

Competition Documents Download:
(Information is for reference only. Subject to the announced tender document.)

Competition Coordinator:
Barry Cheng Architect
TEL: 886-4-2326-1799  FAX: 886-4-2326-5212

Email: [email protected]