2018 Berkeley Prize – The Social Art of Architecture

Sponsor: UC Berkeley
Type: Open, international, essay, multi-stage
Fee: none
Language: English
Awards: Fellowship

The Committee poses a Question on this website related to the topic. Students enrolled in any accredited undergraduate architecture program or diploma in architecture program throughout the world are invited to submit a 500-word essay proposal in English responding to the Question (see eligibility requirements).  Undergraduate architecture students may team up with undergraduates from allied arts and social sciences programs.

From the pool of essay proposals received, approximately 25 are selected by the PRIZE Committee as particularly promising. The selected individual students, or student teams, become Semifinalists.

These Semifinalists are invited to submit a 2,500-word essay, again in English, expanding on their proposals. A group of readers, composed of Committee members and invited colleagues, selects five-to-eight of the best essays and sends these Finalist essays to a jury of international academics and architects to select the winners.

At the conclusion of the Essay Competition submittals, all Semifinalists are also invited to submit for a BERKELEY PRIZE Travel Fellowship. Details for the Fellowship will be announced in the spring 2018. Past Travel Fellowship Competition requirements, winning submissions, and follow-up reports by the winners are available to read here on the website.
“In answering this question, go out into your local community and find two buildings that you feel best typify the social art of architecture, one of which is no more than 10 years old.  Tell us what it is about these buildings that can act as a model for future architects in creating equally successful designs.” -Competition Brief

For questions: [email protected]