Open Call for the Masterplan of Kodrina Complex in Albania

Sponsor: Municipality of Pristina, Kosovo
Type: Expression of Interest (EOI in phase I) and competition
Eligibility: Licensed architects and landscape architects (phase II)
Languages: English and Albanian
1st Prize – 45,000 Euros
2nd Prizes (2) 10,000 each
Each shortlisted team will receive 7,000 Euros
25 November 2015 (9AM local time) – Deadline for submission of EOI

NTN Tregtia Construction company and Municipality of Prishtina invite all architects and urban planners to participate in an urban design competition for designing the masterplan of ”Kodrina” complex in Prishtina, Kosovo. Through this open call, “NTN Tregtia”, in cooperation with the Municipality of Prishtina, aims to reach innovative proposals from international teams’ of professional planners, architects and landscape architects. The purpose of this competition is to find an original solution and a visionary concept for “Kodrina” complex and through urban design and construction of new infrastructure to achieve the creation of housing quality and sustained urban life in conjunction with the existing features of the area. Deliverables

The competitive teams should submit a set of documents in order to be eligible for both phases of the competition:
Phase 1:
• Team Composition Statement;
• CV of each member of the team;
• Methodology;
• Vision Statement;
• Income Statement of the Team or each Member of the Team for the
last calendar year.
Phase 2:
The Masterplan, to be submitted in two parts:
• Written part:
– Analysis;
– Estimates;
– Concept;
– The argumentation of the chosen settlement scheme;
– Technical description.
• Graphic part:
1. Site plans, in scale 1: 5000 and 1: 2000:
– Concept;
– Emplacement, boundaries and number of floors for the proposed buildings;
– Network of roa
2. Ground floor plan, in scale 1: 1000;
3. Housing typologies, in scale 1: 500;
4. Longitudinal and latitudinal sections, in scale 1: 1000;
5. Elevations, in scale 1: 1000;
6. 3D Illustrations, isometry or perspective;
7. Maquette
Selection Criteria (Phase I)
The jury will evaluate the competitors of the Phase 1, based on the following criteria:
• Clarity and fulfilment of the required documentation for Phase 1;
• Team Composition Statement (architect, urban planner/landscape architect, civil engineer, transportation engineer, environmental engineer);
• Similar experiences of the studio or of the main associates;
• Clarity and efficiency of the proposed methodology;
• Relevance of the proposed vision with competition objectives;
• Partnership with local studios and vice versa;
• Income statement of the competitive team (the capacity to financially cover the expenses of the design group for a project of such dimensions).
The jury will evaluate the competitors of the Phase 2, based on the following criteria:
• Creativity;
• High level of feasibility of the project;
• The relationship and the impact of the proposal on the surrounding context.

To register and obtain more information, go to: Email:  [email protected]