BCO NextGen Workplace Competition 2017

Sponsor: Cushman & Wakefield
Competition Organiser: Malcolm Reading Consultants
Type: Open, ideas
Eligibility: Teams of between two and four members, drawn for a range of disciplines, are invited to enter the competition. Individuals are also encouraged to apply, and will receive the support of the organisers to form teams.
Fee: None
Awards: The winning team will receive an invitation to attend the 2018 BCO Conference in Berlin. This will include tickets to all conference events, flights, hotel accommodation, and a financial contribution towards transfers and subsistence. The highly commended team will receive an invitation to an exclusive private dinner hosted by two key industry figures
6 October 2017 – Submission deadline
Description: Social, economic, cultural, and technological progress is changing the way we work.

The BCO NextGen Workplace Competition 2017 is looking for multi-disciplinary teams to provide considered, forward thinking, and innovative ideas that challenge the status quo of today’s workplaces; and that reflect on the future of our organisations, people, and physical environments. We are asking competitors to consider:

The office of 2035: what will it look like and how will it support the way we will work?         

Entrants are asked to respond to this with these three factors in mind:
• The organisation or occupier – their vision, values, drivers, brand, and output
• The end user or occupant – how they work and how they live
• The physical environment or workspace – buildings, spaces, infrastructure, technology, nature, and services

For more information, go to: http://bconextgen.co.uk/competition-brief/