Tintagel Castle Pedestrian Bridge Competition


Of of one hundred and thirty-seven submissions received by the competition organizers, Malcolm Reading Consultants, six were shortlisted. While UK practices predominated, almost forty per cent of submissions were international. Design teams from 26 other countries, including the United States, Russia, India, Japan, South Africa and Chile, applied. Competitors include top-tier engineering and architectural bridge specialists.The designs of the six shortlisted firms were recently made public and can be viewed at: http://competitions.malcolmreading.co.uk/tintage

The finalist were:
• Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes with Terrell (France)
• Marks Barfield Architects with Flint and Neill (UK)
• Ney & Partners Civil Engineers with William Matthews Associates, Ettwein Bridges and Waagner Biro (Belgium)
• Niall McLaughlin Architects with Price and Myers (UK)
• RFR and Jean-François Blassel Architecte, with EngineersHRW, and WSP (France)
• WilkinsonEyre with Atelier One (UK)