Back to the River, London, Ontario

Sponsors: London Community Foundation, the City of London and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority

Type: open, RfQ, 2-stage


6 May 2015 – Release of RfQ

3 June 2015 – Deadline for RfQ submissions

Process: The jury will select between three and five finalists for participation in the competition.


Each team selected to participate will receive $40,000

The winner will receive a design contract at no less than $200,000


Joni Baechler, Former London Mayor

Paul Bedford, Urban Mentor, Adjunct Professor of City and Regional Planning ‎and former Toronto Chief Planner

Dave Harvey; Founder and Director of Parks People

George Kapelos, Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University

Alissa North, Director of Landscape Architecture Program University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Don Pearson, General Manager Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

Carolyn Woodland, Senior Director, Planning, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Barbara Wilks, Principal and Founder of W Architecture and Landscape Architecture, New York City

Design Challenge;

Back to the River is intended to revitalize a section of the Thames River corridor in London, Ontario by stimulating reinvestment and providing new opportunities for connection to the river.

Through this two-stage design competition, the Sponsors seek a design vision for a 5km segment of the Thames River Corridor and detailed area plans for two focus areas with special city-building potential. At the most refined level of detail, the design submissions will identify implementable projects for each of the focus areas to enhance the environment, community quality of life, and economic development in London.

 For more information, see