Stitch II: An AIA Portland Ideas Competition

Sponsor: AIA Portland

Type: Open, ideas

Location: Portland, Oregon, USA

Languages: English

Eligiblity: Open to professionals and students

Entrance Fee:
$50 for professionals
$25 for students
1st Place $500
2nd Place $200
3rd Place$100

Registration and Submission Deadline: 1 June, 2015

Design Challenge: Density in the urban environment drives a need for the community to consider often overlooked spaces created by infrastructure as infill potential. Modern vehicle conveyance structures create a natural shelter from the elements and a typically “undesirable” area. We pass through or feel threatened by their cold and brutal existence. Consider how to re-stitch this urban fabric to create activated space from this underused resource.

This competition calls for ideas to successfully inhabit the unused land under the I-405 bridge, connecting the bustling Pearl District with the NW Alphabet neighborhood. We are looking for extraordinary, creative proposals that will spark the imagination, open up a dialogue and offer innovative solutions to this urban problem. The precise program for the competition is open to the entrants, although a mix of transitional housing, short term shelters, homeless services, public space, and other related programming is recommended. The program should respond to the neighboring context, needs of the city, and needs of the homeless population.

For more information, go to: