Reimagining York’s Guildhall Complex: Connecting River and City


Sponsor: City of York Council, RIBA

Type: Open, ideas, international, 2-stage

Language: English

Eligibility: Open internationally to registered architects and architect-led teams. Architects should be registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) in the UK, or a recognized overseas regulatory authority.


6 November 2012 – Submission Deadline


1st place – £5000

2nd place – £3000

3rd place – £2000

4th place – £1000

5th place – £1000


-Keith Williams, Keith Williams Architects RIBA Adviser & Jury Chair

-Cllr Julie Gunnell, Cabinet member for Corporate Services, City of York Council

-Cllr Dave Merrett, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability

-A business representative / Chair of York Economic Partnership

-Ken Powell, Independent Architectural Critic and Writer

-Darren Richardson, Director of City and Environmental Services at City of York Council

-David Warburton, City of York Council, Head of Design Conservation and Sustainable Development

-Joanne Wallis, RIBA Competitions Consultant (observer)

Design Challenge:

City of York Council have launched a competition seeking nationally and internationally renowned architects to submit their design proposals which clearly demonstrate potential future uses for York’s historic Guildhall and riverside complex.

Registered architects are invited to develop their ideas for the Guildhall, the associated office accommodation, river frontage and boat yard, as part of an ‘Open Ideas’ competition, run by The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

Entries will be sought from architects putting forward innovative ideas on how the potential of the Guildhall site and riverside could be maximised for the benefit of the city and its residents.
