Sponsor: Great Fen – a partnership which comprises the Environment Agency, Huntingdonshire District Council, Middle Level Commissioners, Natural England and The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire
Type: Open, 2-stage, 1st stage anonymous
Language: English
Fee: £50.00 (+VAT)
Eligibility: The competition is open to design teams based in Europe and the UK and should include the services of an architect, landscape architect and a quantity surveyor. The design team may be led by a fully qualified, practising, registered architect or landscape architect. Architects should be registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) in the UK, or an equivalent, recognised overseas regulatory authority.
7/8 November 2012 – Site visits for registered entrants
16 November 2012 – Q & A deadline
19 December 2012 – Registration deadline
10 January 2013 – Stage I submission deadline
24 January 2013 – Shortlisting by jury of 4 finalists
Each design team short-listed to Stage 2 of the competition [up to four] will receive an equal honorarium payment of £3,000 [+VAT] following attendance at the clarification presentation with the Judging Panel. The Winner′s honorarium will represent an advance on any professional fees post-competition.
Kate Carver, Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northhamptonshire (Great Fen Project Manager)
Cindy Walters, Walters & Cohen Architects (RIBA Architect Adviser
David Thomas, Middle Level Commissioners (Chief Engineer)
Malcolm Sharp, Huntingdonshire District Council
Sarah Smith, Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire
Louise Rackham, Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire
Nigel Hugill, Urban & Civic Ltd.
Andrew Cuthbert, Great Fen
Jeremy Purseglove, Landscape architect & ecologist
James Porter, RIBA Competitions
Design challenge:
The new visitor centre will form the primary focal point for the Great Fen and its associated activities. The site will serve a number of different visitors: those interested in landscape, wildlife or habitats; educational visits (from school children to “third age” learners) supporting education in heritage and ecology; and the visiting public, both local people and tourists, who want a ‘brew and a view’ or perhaps a picnic or a day out to explore the fens or somewhere to bring the family. Extensive community use of the building and landscape is also envisaged.
For information and to enter: