Re-imagine Play

Type: Open, RfP

Eligibility: The competition is open to design professionals from around the country. Teams exhibiting professionally diverse expertise are encouraged. All entries must include a licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Colorado and must meet a 15% participation goal for Denver Minority or Women owned businesses (M/WBE).

Design Challenge

Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) is challenging currently accepted definitions of play and is looking to re-think play as a unique, multi-faceted experience in an urban, multi-generational space in Denver’s Historic City Park.  Highly motivated, qualified and experienced design teams are asked to submit their qualifications and ideas for this challenge. The new space will be unique and will include community context and advocacy.  Click here for complete RFP

The proposed project area is located in the western part of the park in the general vicinity of the existing Dustin Redd playground, a large, incredibly popular, wooden structure, built in 1996 by community volunteers, that is fast approaching the end of its useful lifespan. The need to remove this beloved but unsustainable structure opens up the opportunity to create a new space and experience surpassing our imagination, unique yet well suited to City Park.  This new space will be innovative and dynamic in its design, invite all park visitors and neighbors while underscoring how play in all of its forms is an essential characteristic of healthy living for all citizens.  Finding a location, selecting the appropriate size and scale of the project, determining any and all of its elements is part of the challenge for this competition.

Selection Process

The competition consists of the following steps:

  1. Submittal of team/firm qualifications
  2. Selection of 10 to 15 teams to submit design concepts
  3. Public display and jury selection of 3 to 5 finalists;

An honorarium of $1,500 will be available to selected firms for preparation for the final round.

  1. Public presentation and Q&A of finalists’ concepts and ideas
  2. Selection of  successful team/design concept
  3. Contract execution with the City to develop a final design, cost estimate, CDs for a Phase 1, and oversee construction of Phase 1.  There will be a project hold between design development and CDs/construction for phase 1 to allow for fundraising.


22 March 2012 – Questions deadline

13 April 2012 – 1st Submittal Deadline (submitted digitally

13 April 2012 – Notify Short Listed Firms

1 May 2012 – 2nd Submittal Deadline (submitted digitally


All submittals are made electronically to:

City and County of Denver
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)
[email protected]