International Student Tall Building Competition

Sponsor: KONE

Type: Open, student, international

Language: English

Fee: None

Eligibility: Individual students or teams


22 June 2012 – Registration deadline

6 July 2012 – Submission deadline


· First Place: US$8,500
US$5,000 cash + stipend to attend 2012 Shanghai Congress (up to US$3,500 value*)

· Second Place: US$6,500
US$3,000 cash + stipend to attend 2012 Shanghai Congress (up to US$3,500 value*)

· Third Place: US$4,500
US$1,000 cash + stipend to attend 2012 Shanghai Congress(up to US$3,500 value*)

· Fourth Place: US$4,000
US$500 cash + stipend to attend 2012 Shanghai Congress(up to US$3,500 value*)

· Fifth Place: US$3,500
Stipend to attend 2012 Shanghai Congress(up to US$3,500 value*)

· Honorable Mentions
A select number of entries will be recognized as Honorable Mentions and awarded with a certificate

Jury: As judging will coincide with the 2012 Shanghai Congress, the jury will be made up of prominent professionals involved in the Congress.

Design Challenge:

Participants are free to site their projects anywhere in the world. This is not to undervalue the importance of site, and thus participants should carefully consider their site (which must be a “real” site, in a real location) as the site context should inherently have significant influence over the project’s design. Participants are also free to determine the size, height, function, accommodation and responsibilities of the building. The intention is these freedoms on site and program will maximize the diversity and creativity of the responses. It is also intended to allow students from specific high-rise educational studies around the world during the 2011–12 academic year to submit their projects for consideration.

For more information and to register, go to:

Questions: [email protected]