Urban Intervention: Design Ideas Competition

Sponsor: Grousemont Foundation

Type of competition: International, ideas, two-stage

Language: English

Location: Seattle, Washington

Eligibility: Open to established and emerging US and international design teams and individuals.  Teams must include at least one licensed professional in a design profession related to the built environment.

Registration Fee: $80


Tom Leader, Tom Leader Studio, Berkeley, CA
Mia Lehrer, Lehrer+Associates, Los Angeles, CA
Rick Lowe, Project Row Houses, Houston, TX
Patricia Patkau, Patkau Architects, Vancouver, BC
August de los Reyes, Artefact, Seattle, WA
Gene Duvernoy, Forterra (formerly Cascade Land Conservancy), Seattle, WA

Up to three finalist teams will receive $30,000 to further develop ideas; winning team will receive an additional $30,000 cash prize.

6 January 2012 – Early registration deadline
27 January 2012 – Registration closes
3 February 2012 – End of Question Period
10 February 2012 – Phase One Submissions Due
27 April 2012 – Phase Two Submissions Due

Design challenge:

Urban Intervention invites designers to conceive a fresh vision of environmental, social, and economic opportunities on and beyond a 9-acre site at the heart of Seattle Center

How must public space perform in the coming century? Ecologically? Socially? Economically? How can public space evolve to better meet the needs of our changing social and natural systems? What kinds of public spaces will be needed in the future and how can activation and use be encouraged and accommodated in new and inventive ways? Can we generate ideas today that will inform a new generation of cultural centers and public places?

Urban Intervention’s call for entries is about bold and creative design ideas. The competition is intended to inspire more broadly applicable solutions for major urban sites around the world, as well as contribute to a global dialogue about public space.

For more information: http://thenextfifty.org/urbanintervention/

Contact Information: danielleh@aiaseattle.org