Hawa Student Award 2012

Sponsor: Hawa AG Sliding Hardware Systems

Type: Student

Location: Zurich

Language: German

Fee: Free

Eligibility: Students


August 30, 2011 – Registration deadline

October 28 – Submission deadline


Total sum of 12,000 Swiss Francs distributed amongst three winners

Design Challenge:

Participants are invited to develop new spatial concepts that allow for different lifestyles and a diversity of housing needs. Die Wohnungen sollen für Familien, Paare, Singles und Wohngemeinschaften gleichermassen attraktiv sein. The apartments are to be equally attractive for families, couples, singles, and shared accommodations.

Submission Requirements:

Physical submission of one A0 board with description, plan, sections, elevations, details, model visualization or photos, and explanatory report

For more information, go to: http://www.hawa.ch/hawa/index.php?id=645&L=1