A New Infrastructure: Innovative Transit Solutions for Los Angeles

A New Infrastructure: Innovative Transit Solutions for Los Angeles

Sponsor: SCIFI at SCI-Arc & The Architect’s Newspaper
Type: Open
All Students and Professionals
Language: English
Registration Fee: Students: $25 US; Professionals: $50 US
Awards: To be Announced
Jury: Aspet Davidian; Neil Denari; Cecilia V. Estolano; Roland Genick; Gail Goldberg; Thom Mayne; Eric Owen Moss
Registration Deadline: March 13, 2009
Submission Deadline: March 13, 2009
Design Challenge:
The SCIFI (Future Initiatives) program at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and The Architect’s Newspaper are sponsoring an open ideas competition for architects, engineers, urban planners and students to propose new ideas for LA County’s transit infrastructure. Los Angeles, the paradigmatic 20th century “freeway city,” provides an ideal context for an examination of the relationship between existing infrastructures (streets, overpasses, culverts, right of ways, power lines, and disused rail lines) and new urban systems.
For too long, the design of infrastructure in Los Angeles has remained a technical problem. This competition will seek urban transit solutions that move beyond the outmoded divisions between transportation and urban design.
Competitors will be encouraged to work in multidisciplinary teams within the parameters of LA County Ballot Measure R. Their entries will focus on specific rail extension projects and also take a look at larger-scale, interrelated transit planning challenges.
Contact Information:
Peter Zellner
The Southern California Institute of Architecture,
960 E 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013