Campus, University of Northampton Master Plan

Sponsors: Univ. of Northampton, RIBA

Type: Open, anonymous first stage; five finalists invited to second stage

Eligibility: EU, licensed architects

Fee: £40

Language: English


14 November 2008 – End Q & A period

10 December 2008 – Registration deadline

17 December 2008 – Stage I submission deadline

25 February 2009 – Stage II submission deadline

Design Challenge:

The competition master plan will include the design of new facilities integrated with the campus’s Maidwell building. The Master Plan should envision the development of the campus as it grows over the next 15-20 years, embracing short-term accommodation needs and longer term plans for growth in Arts, Sciences and Technology provision, community and business engagement.

The competition gives entrants the opportunity to influence the approach to contemporary planning, architecture, sustainability and energy efficiency. The ideas generated by the competition will illustrate the potential of the site and inform long term strategic planning.


All enquiries regarding the Avenue Campus Competition should be made to the RIBA Competitions Office:

RIBA Competitions Office

6 Melbourne Street,

Leeds LS2 7PS

Tel +44(0)113-234-1335

Fax +44(0)113-246-0744

Email [email protected]
