Bilateral Design Competition
Bad Radkersburg, Austria and Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
open, one-stage
26 March 2008 (5PM) – Submission deadline
Spatial concepts for the connection of the border townsBad Radkersburg, Austria and Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
Municipality of Bad Radkersburg, Austria
Municipality of Gornja Radgona, Slovenia
Type: open, one-stage
Language: English Laws and general planning regulations are available in the internet in the respective national language (German, Slovenian).
Nationals of a contracting party of the agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) who are entitled to work as a self-employed landscape planner, landscape architect, town planner or architect in one of the EEA-member states.
Natural persons who are nationals of a contracting party of the agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as Switzerland and are authorized to independently plan the subject of competition in the home country of the participant.
10 January – Competition launched
26 March 2008 (5PM) – Submission deadline
25 January 2008 – On site inspection / colloquium (10AM – 5PM)
8 February 2008 – Question deadline
17-19 April 2008 – Jury deliberations
June 2008 – Exhibition
The jury consists of Austrian, Slovenian and one Dutch judge. Four representatives of the offering parties, three architects, two landscape planners, all in all nine jurors with the right to vote as well as their representatives and advisors without the right to vote.
Awards: €41,200 (total)
Design Challenge:
Bad Radkersburg and Gornja Radgona are two autonomous towns nowadays. Until World War I they have been one common urban organism. However, since then they had to go separate ways due to the political circumstances (Austria – Yugoslavia / Slovenia). In a united Europe there is now the chance to intensively foster the common interests of the towns and their further development. As a – at least from the point of view of planning – reunited town, Bad Radkersburg / Gornja Radgona might be presented as an outstanding example for a new, creative and multi-cultural Europe which overcomes borders. With the implementation of the bilateral competition, Bad Radkersburg and Gornja Radgona hope to get new inspiration for city and open space development. Both towns aim at strengthening the new quality of the cooperation and thus also the common location which they would not be able to improve as effectively on their own.
Bad Radkersburg focuses on the planning of open space, whereas Gornja Radgona focuses more on city planning. The task is divided into two parts according to the design accuracy for which separated prices will be awarded. As a basis, the competition contents are linked very closely both on the Austrian and the Slovenian side and they also have to be dealt with in common.
Subject of the competition
The subject of the competition is the realisation of concepts for city and open space planning in order to connect the border towns of Bad Radkersburg, Austria, and Gornja Radgona, Slovenia on a scale of 1:5000 and 1:000. The realisation part (phase 1) comprises the design of selected open spaces in Bad Radkersburg.
Nature of the procedure
Throughout the whole EU public, one-level city and open space planning competition, combined idea and realisation competition in the upper value range with subsequent negotiating process according to BVergG [Austrian Federal Procurement Act] 2006 for the realisation part (phase 1) in Bad Radkersburg.
It is binding to create joint ventures with architects / town planners and landscape planners / landscape architects.
Competition advisers:
Freiland Umweltconsulting ZT GmbH
Liechtensteinstraße 63/19
1090 Vienna
Contact person: Dipl. Ing. Agnes Feigl