Jerusalem 2050

Jerusalem 2050

Open, international, ideas

Jerusalem, Israel

31 Dec 2007 – Registration Deadline

31 Dec 2007 – Submission Deadline


MIT’s Center for International Studies (CIS) and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP)


Open, international, ideas


31 Dec 2007 – Registration

31 Dec 2007 – Submission Deadline

Apr 2008 – Results Announced


Entries are not limited to architects and urbanists, but rather, will also be elicited from artists, historians, poets, political scientists, philosophers, economists, engineers, and all others who have ideas for the future of the city. We strive for a plurality of voices and encourage multi-disciplinary teams.


Ute Meta Bauer, Professor, Director of the Visual Arts Program in the Department of Architecture, MIT.

Meron Benvenisti, Historian and Geographer; Former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem.

Manuel Castells, Professor Emeritus of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley; Annenberg Professor of Communication, University of Southern California.

Harvey Cox, Hollis Professor of Divinity, Harvard University.

Herman Hertzberger, Architect, Architecturstudio Herman Hertzberger; Professor Emeritus Delft University.

William J. Mitchell, Professor of Architecture and Head, MIT Design Lab; Former Dean of the School of Architecture, MIT.

Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency; Former UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 1991-2000.

Suha Ozkan, Turkish architect, Secretary for the Aga Khan Award for Architecture.

Salim Tamari, Professor of History and Sociology,Birzeit University, and Director of the Institute for Jerusalem Studies.


At least one prizewinning entry will be selected in each category of submission, with a total of 5 awarded. Prizewinners will be given the opportunity to spend up to an academic semester in residence at MIT as Visiting Fellows, with all expenses paid, including travel, housing, and stipend. In the case of team submissions, no more than three individuals per winning entry will be hosted as fellows. While at MIT, all fellows will participate in university seminars and workshops with faculty and invited dignitaries to work towards the implementation of their design ideas.

At least five honorable mentions will be selected. All winning entries and honorable mentions will be included in documented publications, exhibitions, and accounts of the competition.


As the culmination of the many activities of the Jerusalem 2050 Project at MIT, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Just Jerusalem Competition. The goal of this competition is to generate new approaches to, and potential solutions for, the many complex, seemingly intractable problems that the residents of Jerusalem face on a daily basis. By looking at future possibilities for a pluralist, just, and sustainable city shared by Palestinians and Israelis, we hope to encourage new ways of thinking about the many difficult issues and hardships faced by Jerusalemites, regardless of their faith or ethnicity.


Jerusalem 2050

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Building 9-637

77 Massachusetts Ave

Cambridge, MA 02139