Urban SOS: Water

Sponsor: Aecom
Type: Student
Language: English
Fee: Free
Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students
July 29, 2011 – Registration and submission deadline
September 15 – Semi-finalists announced
November 10 – Presentations and winner announced
First prize – $15,000
Design Challenge:
This year, we are addressing the issue of water as the driving theme of the annual Urban SOS competition. Water, the world’s most vital resource, is central to every aspect of city life: from basic human sustenance and public health to environmental remediation and overall urban renewal. In addition to a cash prize for the winning team, we will arrange a donation to a charitable, humanitarian or relief organization that will be able to further develop the winning scheme.
Submission Requirements:
Digital submission of description and up to 10 A4 slides
For more information, go to: http://www.aecom.com/urbansos