Nelson-Atkins Art Museum Addition


Creating a Museum for all


Nelson-Atkins Museum with Steven Holl addition    right  Photo: courtesy Nelson-Atkins Museum


Sponsor: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri 
Type: International, open, RfQ, invited
Language: English
Fee: none
Competition facilitator: Malcolm Reading Consultants, London, UK
Eligibility: Registered architects, landscape architects, etc., including team composition, relevant experience, company details, and an initial project reaction 

While the competition is open to all architects, including those registered in the State of Missouri, the role of the Architect of Record (AoR)/state-registered Executive Architect will be decided upon later in the process. The museum will determine the requirements for the AoR once the winning team is selected and will carry out a separate selection process for local firms. The museum is, therefore, expressly discouraging contact with potential firms for this role during the competition process.


29 October 2024 – Qualification documents deadline


Design Challenge.
A detailed space program by US museum architects and plannersCooper Robertson has identified priorities according to both thecommunity’s and the museum’s needs within an estimatedconstruction budget of $160 million – $170 million.The competition program envisages an addition or additions thatwould add circa 61,000 square feet. Highlights include a primaryentrance and welcome foyer; comprehensive photography center;new featured exhibition galleries; learning and engagement spacesfor hands-on art activities; as well as a black box-style theater fordigital art and experiential/immersive programming; and arestaurant for indoor/outdoor dining and events.Also contained within the competition scope is the repurposing,reconfiguration and renovation of circa 74,000 square feet of theexisting museum space, and activating and amplifying the outdoorspaces, specifically making the Donald J. Hall Sculpture Park more welcoming and accessible. 


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