Opera House of the Future, Düsseldorf



Sponsor: City of Düsseldorf, Germany
Facilitator: [phase eins], Berlin Email: [email protected]
Type: Invited, RfQ with open session for additional qualifiers
Language: German (documents also available in English on request)
Architects in collaboration with landscape architects, engineers for technical equipment and engineers for structural design. For more details, see Annex 1 to the competition announcement (under 2.1.1), available at www.odz-wettbewerb.de.
Firms already invited to participate: 
– Snøhetta, Oslo
• gmp International, Berlin
• Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen
• HPP Generalplanung GmbH, Düsseldorf with Rehwaldt Landschaftsarchitekten, Dresden
• Christoph ingenhoven architects, Düsseldorf with West 8 urban design & landscape architecture, Rotterdam
• Prof.  Jörg Friedrich Studio PFP GmbH, Hamburg with Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Munich
31 July – 4 September 2024 – Online forum
11 September 2024 18:00:00 (UTC+2) – Receipt of requests to participate: 
1st prize –   €250,000
2nd prize –  €185,000
3rd prize – €125,000
4th prize –  €60,000
Expert Jury:
Ulrike Böhm, Landschaftsarchitektin, Berlin
Univ. Prof. Brian Cody, Ingenieur, Graz
Andreas Cukrowicz, Architekt, Graz
Prof. Hannelore Deubzer, Architektin, Berlin/München
Heiner Farwick, Architekt, Ahaus
Jochen Kral, Stadtplaner, Beigeordneter für Mobilität, Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Prof. Regula Lüscher, Architektin, Winterthur
Prof. Hilde Léon, Architektin, Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark, Ingenieur, Dortmund
Wesko Rohde, Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik, Oldenburg
Dorothée Schneider, Architektin, Stadtkämmerin, Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
Prof. Katinka Temme, Architektin, Augsburg
Prof. Anca Timofticiuc, Architektin, Berlin
Prof. Jörn Walter, Stadtplaner, Hamburg
Robin Winogrond, Landschaftsarchitektin, Zürich
Cornelia Zuschke, Architektin, Beigeordnete für Planen, Bauen, Wohnen und Grundstückswesen,
Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf

Position of the prize recipient in the ranking list: 4
Additional information: A total of EUR 2,640,000 (net) is available for prizes and expense allowances. Of this amount, EUR 620,000 is for prizes and EUR 2,020,000 for expense allowances. If participants in Germany pay VAT on the services provided in this competition, this will be reimbursed in addition to the prizes. In the 1st phase, a total sum of EUR 1,320,000 (net) will be paid out in equal shares as a lump-sum expense allowance to all participants who submit a verifiable work in accordance with the required competition services in the 1st phase. In addition, a total sum of 700,000 euros (net) will be paid out in equal shares as a lump-sum expense allowance to all participants in the 2nd phase who submit a verifiable work in accordance with the required competition performance in the 2nd phase.
Description: IPM is conducting a restricted, two-phase realization competition in accordance with Sections 69 ff, Sections 78 ff VgV and Section 3 (3) and (4) RPW 2013, followed by a negotiated procedure without a call for competition in accordance with Section 14 (4) No. 8 VgV. The competition is aimed at general planners (architects and landscape architects together with specialist planners) and will be held anonymously. The competition will be organized in coordination with the North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Architects and the North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Civil Engineers. In a first step, the awarding authority will select 24 to 30 participants for the realization competition. 6 of these are the authors of the designs mentioned under 5.1.12 that were awarded prizes in a preceding urban planning ideas competition. Up to 24 further participants will be selected via the open competition. For criteria for the selection of participants, see Annex 1 to the competition announcement (under 2.2), available at www.odz-wettbewerb.de. Once the participants have been selected, the organizer will ask them to complete the competition task of the 1st phase. After completion of the 1st phase, the jury will select 6 to 8 participants for the 2nd phase of the competition. 
 The jury will select the winners from among the participants in the 2nd competition phase. The selection of the jury is based on the criteria specified in Annex 1 to the competition announcement under 2.7, available at www.odz-wettbewerb.de. The language of the procedure is German; the client reserves the right to provide individual documents in the competition procedure in English (as a service). In this case, the German version remains binding. If instructed to do so by the LHD, the IPM will enter into a negotiated procedure without a call for competition with the winners of the competition for the award of the contract. Here, it will first examine the suitability of the prizewinners in accordance with the criteria set out under 2.2.2 and 2.8 in Annex 1 to the competition announcement. The prizewinners must submit the documents listed there following a separate request. The organizer will then enter into negotiations with all suitable prizewinners and, following an indicative bid phase, invite them to submit a final binding bid. IPM will take appropriate account of the ranking in the competition when evaluating bids. Further information will be made available during the course of the competition or the negotiation procedure. 

Website: www.odz-wettbewerb.de
Email:  [email protected]