M+ Museum Design Competition

Sponsor: Hong Kong SAR Government

Type: Open, international, two-stage, Expressions of Interest (EOI)

Language: English

Fee: None

Eligibility: Licensed architects


15 October 2012 (noon, HK time) – Deadline for expressions of interest

December 2012 – Shortlisted teams announced


Shortlisted teams will be compensated with HK$1,000,000 upon delivery of their competition entry.


• Rafael Moneo (Spain)

• Eve Blau (USA)

• Kathy Halbreich (MOMA, USA)

• William Lim, architect (Hong Kong)

• Victor Lo, Hong Kong Museum Committee

• Leslie LU, Hong Kong Design Institute

• Lars Nittve, Museum director; Uli Sigg, art collector (Swiss ambassador to China)

• Joanlin Au, architect (Hong Kong)

Design Challenge:

M+ will be the new museum for 20th and 21st century art and visual culture in the WKCD. M+ is an ambitious project, to create a museum on the physical scale of the world’s largest museums of visual culture, aspiring over time to attain an international status comparable to that of MoMA in New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris or Tate Modern in London. It aims to be a museum that is rooted in and shaped by its location— Hong Kong— and the unique culture of this city: it is fundamental that it should be a museum for the people living and working here.  M+ should have a Hong Kong point of view with a global perspective.

The Competition is to select the best combination of concept design and Design Team. It is intended to select the Design Team that demonstrates it will be best able to work with the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (WKCDA) to develop its building concept to be an excellent place for 20th and 21st century visual art, design, architecture, moving image and popular culture, enjoyable to visit, while being efficient and cost effective to construct and operate. WKCDA is looking for a concept design that is original, aligned with the overall master plan, sustainable and which reflects the exciting and unique program of M+.

Competition website:


For information and inquiries, contact: m+.eoi.design@wkcda.hk